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Zhejiang Ruichi Pump Co., Ltd.

Add: Intersection of Shisong First Class Road and 104 Double Track in Wenling City, Zhejiang Province, China (110 meters northwest - Qifeng Pump Industry Park)

Tel: 0576-88888530

M.P.: 15988958288


Voltage And Current Of Submersible Pumps

2021-12-28 10:05:58

There are more and more manufacturers of submersible pumps, and production technology has greatly improved. The application of submersible pumps is very extensive, and there is a large market demand, among which stainless steel submersible pumps are a relatively popular type. Due to the excellent performance of stainless steel, corrosion resistance, green environmental protection, and long service life, there is great development for submersible pumps.

Stainless steel submersible pumps are equipment immersed in water, and many details should be taken into account during operation to avoid water damage to the equipment. Simple leakage can cause electrical energy loss and even lead to electric shock accidents. If a leakage protector is installed, the leakage current value of the submersible pump only needs to exceed the working current value of the leakage protector. The leakage protector will cut off the power supply of the submersible pump. Stainless steel submersible pumps have very high requirements for voltage and current. If the voltage is lower than 10% of the additional voltage, higher than 10% of the additional voltage, or the current is greater than 20% of the additional current of the submersible pump, immediate shutdown is required to avoid damaging the submersible pump equipment. Therefore, attention should be paid to the current and voltage during the operation of the submersible pump. If it does not meet the usage requirements, it cannot be operated.



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